Buddy has been been up at night a lot this week. He has an ear infection and he's been having "growing pains" in his legs. After a couple of sleepless nights, I'm pretty much "knackered" as my New Zealand friends would say.
Last night I was up with Buddy until the wee hours of the morning. He's got a bad infection and Mommy is bleary eyed today. He's been to the doctor and he's on the mend with hardly a hitch.
Thinking about sleepless nights got my thinking about my favorite adoption quote...
"Our children are not ours because they share our genes...they are ours because we have had the audacity to envision them. That, at the end of the day...or long sleepless night, is how love really works." --Anonymous
I love that word. Audacity. President Obama used it in his book, "Audacity of Hope" which someday I hope to have a spare moment to read. Maybe when the kids are in middle school.
Dictionary.com defines it as: au⋅dac⋅i⋅ty [aw-das-i-tee] –noun, plural -ties. 1. boldness or daring, esp. with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.
Adoption is not for those who can easily accept the status quo but for those who are not bothered by challanging it. We have the courage to do what others would not or would only imagine. That's what most of us who adopt, do. Especially those of us who adopt on our own. Single parenting is not for the faint of heart or faith. It is also not for those who require great amounts of sleep!
But it is for those of us to dream of a life bigger than the one we have--for those of us who, though not unafraid, still search for our own dream and build our lives as we envision them.
I'm finding that each time is a little different and takes a different kind of courage. The first time it was mainly fear of the unknown. The second time it was mostly fear of how this new child would effect the one I already had and the fact he was a boy. I haven't had such a great track record where men are conserned :-)
This time its all a lot calmer and I am worrying less. If my children have taught me anything, it is to have faith and hold on for the ride.
Welcome! This is a place to share our adoption stories with one another--wherever we are in the process. Because if there's one thing I've learned is adoption is called a process for a reason, one that doesn't stop just because you are united with your child. To contribute your story and have it possibly included in my book, IMMEDIATE FAMILY: THE ADOPTION OPTION visit my website, www.juliemsellers.com or email julie@juliemsellers.com for more information!
I hope you don't mind that I posted your quote (I LOVE IT!) on my blog. I linked back to this post.